How To Write a Goodbye Letter To Alcohol or Drugs AINYFAlcohol is NOT Your Friend

How To Write a Goodbye Letter To Alcohol or Drugs AINYFAlcohol is NOT Your Friend

Journaling and writing are helpful stress relievers and also a good way to manage anxiety. Alcohol and drug use increases stress, anxiety, and depression so this is a very helpful tool when you first get sober. What I always do because I am not a fabulous speaker, is write. We are all writers, so it might resonate even if you are gifted with verbal words.

goodbye letter to alcohol

We did have some good times together; a lot of good times together, in fact. I actually just heard a guy in one of the Alcoholics Anonymous meetings they brought into the rehab say that alcohol was fun, then it was fun with problems, and then it was only problems. I related to that, especially the fun part. Because I had a lot of fun with drugs and alcohol for a long time. In high school and college, it was all fun.

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When I was told by my therapist (she may be a counselor, I don’t really know) that this was the next thing I had to do while in treatment, I understood but I asked some questions. ‘How is the letter supposed to sound? She told me that I should just write goodbye letter to alcohol it from the heart. I’m not certain what that meant, so I just decided to sit down in my room, put pen to paper, and just start writing. This has to be the most challenging letter I’ve ever written. It’s as if I’m breaking up with a long term partner.

goodbye letter to alcohol

A friend that showed me a way to relax using my breath, not wine. A friend that showed me a way to deal with my emotions, not run away from them. A friend that told me I was strong, beautiful, powerful, and that I could be so much more than I was. You know the line, it’s not you, it’s me? All these years I thought it was us.

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We share the turbulent parts of our lives with you and we cope. Shiiiit, I COPE, because you’re always there.,lingering around like a vampire expecting and invitation in. The fucking wild part is that you’re an element of me, You live in me.

  • As the years rolled on, you were there almost daily.
  • When things began to look up, you grabbed me by the ankles and pulled me right back into the mess.
  • Get professional help from an online addiction and mental health counselor from BetterHelp.
  • All you ever did was take and take, but you never gave.
  • Your goal is to tell alcohol that it will no longer be part of your life by using a long or short Goodbye Letter to Alcohol to express your feelings.

All the tings you used to tell me we didn’t need as long as we were together. In all honesty I’m glad I rode with you, and I’m glad I got fucked up by you. Because if I didn’t, I would have never realized that life is a good thing. That it doesn’t have to be a shit show.

Write A Goodbye Letter To Alcohol – A Strong Tool For Sobriety

I want you to know that I forgive you, but more importantly, I’m ready to forget you. I hope one day that everyone wakes up to what you really are so that we may all be free of your nonsensical way of life.

It did raise some bitter feelings, but also made me think about these feelings. It lead to quite a lot of introspection on my part, an aspect of finding your own alcohol off switch that I truly believe helped me – in fact, the main catalyst for me stopping drinking. When you do write a goodbye letter to alcohol, actually ‘write a letter’ – in letter form. Using the basics of who you are writing to – so ‘dear alcohol’, or for me, simply ‘alcohol’ (I no longer hold it in ‘dear’ regard).

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You gave me sorrow and torn-apart relationships. As the years rolled on, you were there almost daily. You were there throughout my wedding and my early days of marriage.

  • When I was told by my therapist (she may be a counselor, I don’t really know) that this was the next thing I had to do while in treatment, I understood but I asked some questions.
  • When you focus on writing about why you decided to get sober, it will reinforce these reasons.
  • In the years since we split I have discovered other things that have made me happy.
  • I left behind a lot of baggage when I started on this path, and you are part of that.

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